Pensions & Benefits

myOMERS is a secure online service for OMERS members who can use their email and mailing address to access their pension report.

Pension reports will be issued by OMERS, so members should go online to confirm their personal information. OMERS accepts contact information at myOMERS or by phone, but not by email or from your employer.

On myOMERS you can also:

Switch to e-only delivery of your pension report
Manage your Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) account
Calculate a buy-back cost
Estimate your retirement income in minutes (includes a snapshot of your after-tax income before and after retirement)
To activate your myOMERS account, you will need your OMERS membership number and the last three digits of your social insurance number.

If you have any questions or need your OMERS membership number, contact OMERS Client Services at 416-369-2444 or 1-800-387-0813.

For any questions related to the former OC Transpo Commision pension plan please contact your City Benefits Administrator at 613.580.2424 ext 28484 or via email to Payroll, Pensions and Benefits Service Centre they can help out and give you the guidance that you may require.


*Please note that Great-West Life has changed to The Canada Life Assurance Company*


Benefit Forms


When to contact Canada Life

To access information about what is covered, your personal claims status, to review a claim statement response, we urge you to login and register online with Canada Life Plan Members, Great-West Life’s member website. Specific questions regarding your coverage or claims can also be directed to Canada Life at 1-855-360-4415. You will need your Plan Number and member identification number (your employee number) which are listed on your Canada Life’s benefit card.

When to contact your City Benefits Administrator

Updates pertaining to you, the plan member or your dependents ie: name change, date of birth changes, addition of dependents or coordination of benefit changes can be sent by email to or you may contact the Payroll, Pensions and Benefits Service Centre via email or at extension 28484.